X-tone X-Screen Pro

210.00 €
199.00 €

EN STOCK enviado 24/48 h Tienda Euroguitar en Lille : En stock

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36 rue Littré, Lille
del Lunes al sábado
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Teléfono : 03 20 88 85 85


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The X-TONE X-Screen Pro noise filter allows successful in creating a portable acoustic solution that effectively mitigates reflections without losing high frequencies. This helps to keep a natural sound. The different materials have been meticulously chosen to effectively absorb environmental noise and provide tighter bass, more detailed mediums and natural highs. The X-Screen Pro is a good choice for recording.

Size: 300X440X400mm
Ref. Euroguitar : 82651
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