Yamaha 2x DXR10MKII +XH 6310

1478.00 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
del Lunes al sábado
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Teléfono : 03 20 88 85 85


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Portable, yet capable of producing an astonishing 132 dB SPL, the DXR10mkII’s compact, functional design makes it ideal for a wide range of applications. Whether providing simple vocal/instrument amplification, very powerful floor monitoring or comprising a compact SR system - the DXR10mkII delivers without compromising sound quality and power.

- Frequency Range: 56hz-20khz
- Output Power: dynamic: 1100W(LF:950wHF:150w)
- Maximum Output: 132db
- I-O connectors: INPUT: XLR-3-31 x1 , INPUT2: Phone x2, INPUT3: RCA PIN x 2, THRU: XLR3-32 x 1 (Parallel with INPUT 1 ), LINK OUT: XLR x 1
- Power requirements:100V - 240V, 50Hz/60Hz
- Dimensions:305mmx502mmx310
- Weight: 13.9kg
- Ref. Euroguitar : 92134
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