Aguilar OBP-3TK 3-band Preamp

224.00 €

Restocking - entregable a partir del 09/05/2025
Tienda Euroguitar en Lille : pronto disponible

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36 rue Littré, Lille
del Lunes al sábado
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Teléfono : 03 20 88 85 85


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RESTOCKING - Expedición entre 09/05/2025

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The OBP-3 is Aguilar's most flexible onboard preamp design, providing +/-18dB of cut and boost at 40Hz, +/- 16dB of cut and boost at either 400Hz or 800Hz and +/- 16dB of treble cut and boost at 6.5 kHz. The OBP-3 has multiple wiring options, and can be wired with either a push/pull pot, mini-toggle or internal dip-switch for midrange frequency selection.

Bass control: plus/minus 18 dB @ 40 Hz.
Mid control: plus/minus 16 dB @ 400Hz or 800 Hz. User selectable frequency center.
Treble control: plus/minus 16 dB @ 6.5 KHz.
Input impedance: 1 meg ohm
Output impedance: 100 ohm 9 or 18 volts operation. Additional 6dB with 18 volts.
Distortion: .019 into 10k ohm load
Noise: -95 dBm unweighted.
Battery life: 324 hours
Wire lead length: 6.50 inches

Dimensions 0.98 x 0.98 x 0.59" (25 x 25 x 15 mm)
Ref. Euroguitar : 36868
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