Digitech TRIO+

274.00 €

EN STOCK enviado 24/48 h Tienda Euroguitar en Lille : Última disponible

Su tienda

36 rue Littré, Lille
del Lunes al sábado
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Teléfono : 03 20 88 85 85


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The TRIO+ is a simple-to-use guitar pedal that listens to the way you play and automatically generates bass and drum parts that match your song. Just plug your guitar into the TRIO+, press the Band footswitch to teach the TRIO+ your chords and rhythm, then press the Band footswitch again to start playing with your own personal band! Bass and drum levels can be adjusted for the perfect mix using the TRIO+'s Bass and Drums knobs. The TRIO+ also features a Simple Bass button lets you select between 3 bass line modes for busy or simple bass lines.

Pushing the Band Creator™ paradigm further, the TRIO+ also allows you to loop and custom sequence your looped guitar parts to create full songs on the fly. Press the TRIO+'s Looper footswitch to record a loop along with an unlimited number of overdubs. The Loop level can be individually controlled using the TRIO+'s Loop knob. Loops can be recorded by themselves, operating just like a traditional looper, or along with the band. You can also apply built-in effects to your guitar signal by enabling the TRIO+'s Guitar FX button, or connect your favorite effects to the TRIO+'s FX Send and FX Return jacks.

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